Proper nutrition for diabetics

The main goal is to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood, maintain it in a normal level, and not have it increase by following a well thought out and balanced diet by expert Diaa Ahmad Al-Tamimi.

You can eat all types of food without deprivation in a smart and specific way, where we divide the meals into 5 a day in which each one is designated for you to burn blood sugar and at the same time provides 100% fullness.

And that is exactly the opposite of eating saturated food that raises blood sugar all at once and then depriving yourself of eating all day long which is a common mistake and it is dangerous to the body and leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals and thus causes the following symptoms:

1. Excessive hunger

2 Increased urination

3- Dry mouth

4- Impairment of vision

5 fatigue

6- Frequent infections

7. Your wounds take a long time to heal

8- A feeling of tingling in the limbs

9. Unexplained weight loss

10- Intestinal disturbances

Under the supervision of nutrition expert Diaa Ahmed Al-Tamimi

Born in Iraq, specialist in Clinical Nutrition, Complementary Medicine, and Herbs.
Specialization Certificate / Ain Shams University / Egypt Higher Diploma Certificate / Clinical Nutrition (obesity – thinness – children – athletes)

  • Iraqi Alternative Medicine Foundation
  • The Scientific Professional Society for Complementary Medicine
  • Identity Center for Studies, Consultations, Research and Training

Price 25 $

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