mrt complex


A delicious natural nutritional drink that is low in calories, highly soluble, and full of vitamins and proteins.


A delicious natural nutritional drink that is low in calories, highly soluble, and full of vitamins and proteins. It frees the energy of the alternative amino acids for your meals, helping you lose weight safely, quickly and effectively .
It is an effective substitute for your meal, provides you with the energy required to continue your daily routine.

The Benefits:
-Low calories: Each complex contains only 83 calories.
– It contains the properties that the body demands every day.
– High quality legume protein: it is easy to digest and absorb by the body, and it also helps to burn excess fats in the body.
-Contains fructose: It is a natural sweetener extracted from honey and fruits, which does not harm people with diabetes or those who have low blood sugar.
– Contains Hoodia Fordnell: It is the substance extracted from milkweed that has no side effects, and it contains a molecule that sends a signal to the brain indicating that the stomach is full.
-Contains lipid-repellant agents: Licinine, Carnitine, and Inositol help increase lipid metabolism value.

Additional information


Malaysian – Edmark

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