r3 factor


This product helps remove acne and all effects of irritation from exposure to the sun and rejuvenates your skin while retaining its natural moisture.


This product helps remove acne and all effects of irritation from exposure to the sun and rejuvenates your skin while retaining its natural moisture.

It is formulated with unique properties, including:

-Enriched with concentrated Aloe Vera gel, dissolving collagen and alpha hydroxy acids.

-It is enriched with Vitamins A and E which are both essential elements for a healthy, radiant skin.

– Excellent effects in fighting acne and any scars caused by sunlight and it helps  unifying skin color.

-Ideal for removing wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes.

-Exfoliates and removes dead cells

-Moisturizes the skin and helps tighten the pores.

Additional information


american – Forever

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