Vinaigrette Drink


DXN’s Vinegar has been carefully prepared from rice, vinegar and monascus. The mixture has been fermented for years using traditional fermentation technology, to retain its distinct flavor and high quality.


Food Vinegar (Vinegarete) has a long history extending to about 750 years as one of the most famous types of high-quality vinegar in China. It has a unique in flavor and smoothness to it, which makes it a luxury addition to your healthy food. You can also enjoy it as a drink by itself, or maybe adding it while cooking your meals or have it be your salad glaze of choice .

DXN’s vinegar has been carefully prepared from rice, vinegar and monascus. The mixture has been fermented for years using traditional fermentation technology, to retain its distinct flavor and high quality.

Product Benefits:

  • It boosts body energy
  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • Reduces harmful cholesterol
  • Raises good cholesterol
  • Good for digestion
  • Getting rid of the body toxins

Product Uses:

  • It can be used in salads and foods.
  • It can be mixed with juices or honey.
  • It can be used as a body massage product, brushing the body with a mixture of vinegar with an amount of coconut oil and black coffee.
  • It can be used to help soften the roughness of skin and unify its color, in the same previous method.
  • It can be used to eliminate or reduce dandruff problems.
  • It can be used to remove bad foot odor and exfoliate dead skin cells, by soaking the feet in the mixture.
  • Helps get rid of nail fungus, by soaking as well.

Additional information


Malaysian DNX

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