Tag: 25

A large number of people develop osteoporosis, which is a state of severe weakness in bones, making them easily vulnerable to fractures and various injuries. People with osteoporosis are forced to move cautiously for fear of making the wrong movement…

1- Nutrition for baby 2- Nutrition before entering school 3- Nutrition while in school 4- Nutrition before and after adolescence Proper nutrition for children depends on the same principles as adult nutrition, everyone needs the same nutrients, which are vitamins,…

The main goal is to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood, maintain it in a normal level, and not have it increase by following a well thought out and balanced diet by expert Diaa Ahmad Al-Tamimi. You can…

Do you want to control the symptoms of heart disease, arteries hardening, and the harmful high cholesterol level in the blood? Here is a healthy diet for you! Though of and designed according to your condition by the expert Diaa…

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