Spirulina Capsule


Spirulina is considered the best as it is the most important sources of organic food in addition to being very suitable for everyone, without exception.


Spirulina is considered the best as it is the most important sources of organic food in addition to being very suitable for everyone, without exception.

Spirulina Capsule Benefits:
-Spirulina is rich in vitamins and has a high protein level (72%) in addition to the minerals that your body needs.
-Acts as a general tonic for the immune system.
-Reduces cholesterol
-Reduces the risk of blood pressure.
-Cleans and removes toxic substances from the stomach and intestines
-Stimulate blood circulation
-Prevents heart attacks
-Helps in focus and attention
-Balances food and is considered a high-quality, fiber-rich grain.

Spirulina Capsule ingredients:

Additional information


Malaysian DNX

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