Obesity and weight loss

The definition of Obesity is a person who has excess fat tissues and has a body mass index (BMI) value of over 30.

BMI is an indicator that measures weight compared to height. Excessive fat tissues can have serious health consequences such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high levels of lipids in the blood.

Obesity is one of the most common medical conditions in Western society today, and one of the most difficult in terms of treating and addressing . Relatively, little progress has been made in treating obesity (except for lifestyle changes), but much information has been collected regarding the medical consequences of obesity.

Causes and risk factors of obesity:

Until recently, obesity was associated with the lazy lifestyle and persistent high calorie consumption. Today, however, it is known that although these causes of obesity are true, there are still different genetic factors that play a role in the occurrence of obesity.

As evidence of this is that in adoptive children, we see a pattern of obesity that is similar to the pattern we see in their biological parents, more than that we see in their adoptive parents. Research with identical twins has also shown that genetic factors have a greater influence on BMI than environmental factors.

It is estimated that between 40% – 70% of obesity can be attributed to various genetic factors, not to environmental factors or lifestyle.

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